"I have never been so ready to get on my mat.” I texted my girlfriend after getting the OK to exercise again. It had six weeks since I had my first baby. And before she was born, I hadn’t done yoga for two months or so. My body, my spirit, my mind were way overdue for a date with my mat. Sure I was ready to get back to my practice. But what I hadn’t anticipated was how different everything would feel. This body feels different in all the poses. Sitting in child's pose, which was once a welcome refuge, now feels like torture. My back is tight, my hips are tight and my bum is a mile away from my heels. My knees feel creaky and even my fingers and toes feel stiff in downward facing dog. I skip half the chatarungas. The ones I do complete are modified on my knees. Where I once floated up to the top of my mat, now I walk my feet. My body feels rusty and heavy. And yet, my mind feels clear. As Baron Baptiste writes in 40 Days to Personal Revolution, "If you honor the inner voice that says you are ready to let go of the past and create a new reality, I am confident you will find your way home to the mental clarity, lightness of body and illumination of spirit that comes with whole-life health.” I repeat the words to myself throughout the day. “You are ready now, Anne.” This phrase extended off my mat and into different areas of my life. I am ready now. As I submitted my application to host The Dinner Party - something I’ve been meaning to do for weeks. It’s a potluck dinner meets support group for 20 and 30 somethings who have lost a parent. I wonder if I’m ready for this…I take a breath and tell myself “I am ready now." As I hit reply and type up my interview to an artist I admire, asking him to be a part of an upcoming project I’m working on. The project is about overcoming fear, and writing this interview is something that has scared me into paralysis for eight days now. I take another deep breath and hit send as I whisper “I am ready now.” As I untangle the mess that is the backend of my website and begin to finally implement strategies I’ve been learning in my business class. My momentum completely fizzled in the hospital and today, after an almost 8 week hiatus, I log in and complete an assignment. I open wordpress and figure out how to install a piece that I’ve been stuck on for months. “I am ready now.” As I unroll my mat, my sleeping baby in her bassinet next to me and press play on my guided yoga podcast. This takes enormous discipline for me to do at home, when I initially think “I should probably start back in a studio first.” That thought disappears as I remind myself how much time and effort it takes to go anywhere when you have a newborn. I can do this here, at home. I have everything I need. “I am ready now.” If I’m really honest with myself, I never think I’m ready to do anything. And yet, I do the things. I am mentally ready to get back to my practice, and physically, I’m working my way back to where I once was. One step, one down dog at a time. I am ready now. And so are you. So much love, Anne (Container Collective Yoga studio member and photographer in Lakewood, CO) PS - as you go through your week and come across things that leave you feeling apprehensive or challenged, remember - you are ready now. Anne is a photographer, writer, motivational speaker co-leading our retreat to Crestone, CO in September 2016. 99% of the photos on our website were taken by Anne!!! Follow her on Instagram to be inspired daily @annetalhelm Do you approach life as a yes or a no?
That's the question we encourage you to consider as you flow to this hour-long flow sequenceed by Brittany in her Lakewood, CO yoga studio. We wanted to give you this podcast just because you're awesome! Great for days when you just can't get to a studio whether at home or on vacation - download this free hour-long class to enjoy whenever you need! Comments are closed.