There is so much physical stuff in my life that is so sneaky about creeping in and cluttering not only my physical space, but also my mental space. I was recently away from the daily "to-does" for our Lakewood yoga studio for 3 weeks because I was invited to dance with a company up in Boulder, CO for a jazz/contemporary/modern dance concert. During that time I could feel the habitual tension in my heart center and shoulders melt away within the first few days. Taking that time away to do something just for me has allowed me to come back to the yoga studio with refreshed energy, new perspectives, and so much joy! Now that I'm back I'm wanting to maintain this sense of ease. In order to do that I'm really excited to try out a process that my business coach, Ellen Smoak, introduced me to just yesterday, and I'd love it if you wanted to join me in the process of letting go to create space for receiving. I laughed as she told me about it because it goes right along with our social media contest to give away a spot on the Crestone Yoga Retreat that we have going on through the rest of the week! For more details on that contest head over to the CCYOGA Facebook Page So here's the process I started today, it's called 27/9: For 9 days (no more, no less), I am going to get rid off/let go of/give away 27 things (no more, no less) each day. That's a total of 243 unnecessary things taking up space in your life!!!!! Those things could be big or little. Could be a business card you've been holding onto, a piece of furniture, a dress, a mostly empty shampoo bottle that's just taking up space. You're choice of the 27 things (no more, no less) for the day. Bag them up and take them out to your car, the trash, somewhere that is not in your space. Follow this gathering of the things to let go of by filling in the blanks of the following statements. "Today I'm getting rid of these 27 things. I'm also letting go of _____________ (whatever is standing in my way...) in order for _______________ (creativity, inspiration, etc) to shine through. The reason for not doing more or less that 27 and 9 is you don't want to constantly be giving away because you also need to sit in the space of receiving in your life. I'm going to start doing this 27/9 letting go game once a quarter and see how things open up in my life and for our Lakewood yoga community!
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