Hello CCYogis! Today was cold outside, so let's build some heat inside with your yoga practice whether you are actually in Lakewood, CO or somewhere else in the world! Let's fire up mula bandha and uddiyana bandha, move with intention guided by ujjayi pranayama, and hold a steady drishti through it all to create tapas! If that sentence has you scratching your head, do some research before getting on your mat - the CCYOGA studio, here in Lakewood, may be closed for the snow day, but we are excited to offer a new, impromptu way to grow in your yoga practice and knowledge. In your home practice, try working in some binds - they are great for taking your practice a little deeper! Use a towel or strap to access binds that you thought were impossible. Work from a place of core stabilization and use a steady gaze to help open further. Inhale, lengthen, exhale, twist. Today is the day to try an inversion you've been working toward or are curious about - you'll see two different inversions tossed in with the standing balance poses, and there are many more that have been shared at CCYOGA studio. Be playful. Maybe today is the day you create your own inversion! Work from a place of power. Whatever pose you approach, do so with intention. Root down to rise up. Then soften into your deepest expression. Take care to do a nice warm up and cool down. Maybe even consider a space heater to help fan your yogic flame! Be sure to post a movie, picture, or blog post to the CCYOGA Facebook page and tag @cc360denver in your Instagram posts. Share your yoga, then tag three friends who would be willing to do the same. Let's get this thing going CCYOGA community! Can't wait to see each and every one of you back in the yoga studio here in Lakewood, CO tomorrow!!!! #CCYOGASNOWDAY Namaste, Sarah Comments are closed.